Today I had a couple of conversations that involved talking about life's simple pleasures. I thought I'd make a list of some of my favourite things. I'm actually humming the song from The Sound of Music as I type ...
- Seeing the people I love, laughing and smiling
- Kisses & cuddles from my boys (Mike, the teenagers and Sammy the dog - except not kisses from Sammy - that wouldn't be right - that would be rather gross and not deserving of this list)
- Friday nights - the thought of two whole days where I don't have a morning routine
- A hot cup of tea with a naughty Scotch Finger biscuit for dunking
- Getting the first load of firewood for winter and knowing I can light the fire that night (it's nearly time)
- Going to bed when it is raining - we have a tin roof outside our bedroom window
- The smell of Jasmine
- Picking fresh herbs from the garden
- Twitter of course - couldn't put it at the top because I don't want to look like an addict. (I'm not an addict you know - really I'm not)
- Reading blogs - this is a relatively new favourite, but I'm hooked.
- Curling up in front of the fire with a book (or even the laptop and Twitter - but I'm not an addict)
- Mike & I taking our dog for a walk
- Walking really early in the morning as the sun rises
- Working from home when it is raining and staying in my pyjamas all day
- Hearing a favourite song from years ago that instantly makes me feel good
- The smell of puppies (they smell like sausages)
- The smell of babies (they smell like babies)
- Dark chocolate Tim Tams
- Full Moons
- Tulips (and Tiny Tim singing Tiptoe through the Tulips - yes I'm a teensy bit strange - but that song reminds me of when I was 2)
- The smell of washing as you get it off the line
- An afternoon nanna nap with Mike and when we wake up it is dark (I love that)
For me when Mr16 wants to sit down & talk to me. It happens regularly but I never take it for granted. The way that my Husband kisses my son and I everytime he or we leave the house. That I have the 2 best jobs- 1 is so creative and the other is so much fun:)
Strawberries, always strawberries. Spontaenous kisses and hugs. A good cup of coffee. Old books.
You make me smile... dog's smell like sauasages?? And no, I agree you are not a twitter addict. No, of course not, who would suggest that? And a day time nap? Do I have this to look forward to one day? xx